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The age of fraud people eat people

April 8, 2024

Sometimes I can''''t help but feel confused about the changes in this world. Human society seems to have returned to primitive society. As humans at the top of the food chain, there is actually a large-scale organization group that has started an era of cannibalism. From a spiritual perspective, society is undoubtedly regressing. This is such a terrifying and worrying era.

The development of the Internet has brought us extraordinary convenience and good user enjoyment. Airplanes have made the world without distance, and the Internet has made people at both ends of the world without distance, and it has also made the products of enterprises and merchants sell without distance. However, the Internet has also made accidental fraud crimes develop into normal professional corporate team management crimes. They are breaking the social system, not working for rewards, but directly plundering the wealth of others all over the world. What is their purpose? There is no upper limit to money, no lower limit to morality, and they will do whatever it takes to get money.
What is this? This is a pig-killing scam. This term is not unfamiliar in Southeast Asian countries or among many Chinese people, because the people with the most victims in the world are in China, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, with tens of millions of victims. But in the future, this term will inevitably become popular in Europe and the United States, because the fraud groups will no longer target their target groups mainly Chinese Americans. According to a 2021 report by the World Journal, Joseph Conley, assistant prosecutor of the Queens District Attorney''''s Office in New York, said that in 2020 alone, the "pig killing" scam cost the United States $300 million. This total does not include the amount of money lost by people who did not report the case. On March 26, 2020, the website of the National Institute of Health (NIH) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov published a research report entitled "Online Love Scams: Relationship Dynamics and Psychological Characteristics between Victims and Scammers". The report pointed out that because "the victims felt ashamed after being deceived and dared not tell others, the number of cases was underestimated."

In fact, the pig killing scam is not the same as the romantic scam. The romantic pig killing scam is just one of its branches. The other is the capital scam that commits fraud under the appearance of legalization. Using the establishment of a romantic relationship is just one of the ways in which the fraud group operates to target their prey. The victims ranged in age from 15 to 85, and nearly 90% were women. Not every prey was in love with them or suitable for a love . In the case of fund scams, the fraud group will lure victims to platforms such as Mt5, Coinbase, Crypto.com, etc., which have a legal cover. Victims can download apps directly from the Apple phone''''s App store, which makes victims let down their guard. Since they can download it on the App store, victims naturally think that there is no problem with this platform, so they dare to transfer money into it boldly. However, once the money is in, regardless of the profit or loss on the account, your money is no longer yours. Some of these platforms do not provide security for users'''' account operations at all, and some are accomplices, so they turn a blind eye to illegal activities on the platform.

After calling the police, the victims may think about a question: what is the greatest significance of the invention of digital currency? The police said that digital currency electronic wallets make money difficult to track. For victims, the invention of digital currency has indeed made a significant contribution to the fraud group, providing a perfect platform for committing crimes, perfect money laundering and escaping legal sanctions.

So how does the pig-killing scam start? What are the common routines of the pig-killing scam?

Common routines of the pig-killing scam:

Step 1: Find prey
First, they will randomly search for people over 30 years old on various social media software (such as WhatsApp, Line, Facebook, etc.). People in this age group generally have a certain number of years of work, usually have some savings, and have certain needs for love. They will regard this type of people as high-quality targets. Another way is to purchase personal information and screen high-quality targets. This target is what they call a pig in the industry.

Step 2: Gain trust
After adding friends, the scammers will usually use some misunderstandings to start a conversation with you and a kind of fate (such as he says he wants to adopt your pet dog). They are gentlemanly and polite, and then start chatting with you frequently. They will master very appropriate chatting techniques, chat with you at a fixed time every day, with a warm attitude, and interesting topics that are not boring, so that you are very willing to chat with him. Give you timely care, so that you gradually trust them. For those who are single, divorced or in a broken relationship, they will use love offensive to develop a lover relationship with you, build a higher degree of trust, and have a stronger control over you.

The third step is to encourage investment.
When trust is successfully established, they will start to sincerely hope and help you subsidize and improve the quality of life from the perspective of close friends, or plan your common future, and encourage you to buy stocks, foreign exchange or gambling on their self-made platforms. Most people will try to invest a few small amounts, and the scammers will make you a small profit through back-end operations. And take the initiative to let you withdraw some cash, buy some clothes or supplies to reward yourself.

The fourth step is to invest a lot.
When you taste the sweetness, the scammer will claim that he has mastered the rules of this stock APP, and as long as you follow him (her) to invest, you will make money without loss and risk. Invest more and collect more, and withdraw money at any time when you need it. At this time, you have already believed in the scammers and invested a lot in the platform.

Step 5, unable to withdraw cash
After the victim has invested a large amount of money and is sure that you have increased your position to the limit, the scammer will lure you to operate until the position is liquidated, creating an unexpected situation of investment failure. At this time, the scammer will not leave. He will say that he will find a way to make up for the position and instigate you to borrow money to make up for the position again. Or when you want to withdraw the principal, they will use the excuse of background upgrade to refuse your withdrawal, or ask you to pay taxes and let you raise funds to deposit into their account, but in the end you still cannot successfully withdraw cash.

Step 6, disappear
When you finally realize the scam, when you want to negotiate with the other party, the other party blocks you and the scammer disappears. Then your information may be used by this fraud company at this time, and your chat records may be resold to other fraud companies. You are eager to get your money back, you will find a lawyer, find a hacker, but you will be at risk of being defrauded again.

The scammer disappears, and the victim will find that there is almost no valid information about the scammer in his control. The scammer''''s photo, name, location, and platform are all fake. You have lost everything. The scammer has drained your blood. All you have left is a body and a debt, as well as the sequelae of being cheated. You no longer dare to trust people, you doubt everything, and you have lost the ability to trust, but this is not a disease, but a thorough understanding of evil after you have paid a high price. You should always be in this state of vigilance because social moral integrity has been broken. This is not an accidental crime, but a professional crime. If the judicial authorities do not curb this crime from all aspects, there will be more and more victims around you.

I ed an American victim group in late March this year. There were more than 100 people in the group. I couldn''''t help but check the avatars of each member in the group. They were not all Asian faces, proving that fraud victims are no longer limited to Asians. I listened to the stories of several people in the group. One was defrauded of 500,000 US dollars. She divorced because of this and is now raising her children alone. Another was defrauded of 1.2 million US dollars. He was 50 years old and said that he had lost his daughter''''s college education fund. In addition to his health becoming very bad, he needed long-term psychological counseling. Another person lost 2 million US dollars. The scammer chatted with her online for seven months. In addition to the 2 million US dollars she lost, she also had to face another guilt, because while she was being deceived, she recommended about 20 friends and family around her, and their total losses were more than 1 million US dollars. Each victim has a different background, personality, age, occupation, education, etc. Everyone''''s story of being defrauded is different, the scam is different, but the ending is the same. We don''''t know how many people can''''t bear this impact and commit suicide, how many victims'''' families are broken up, and how many victims are depressed. Each pig-killing scam destroys not an individual but a family, but the legal sentencing seems to still be the standard for general economic fraud cases, which reduces the crime cost of the entire criminal group. For example, homicide and suicide due to being defrauded and unable to bear it, both are lives that died due to persecution, but the legal sentencing is different.

When the fraud group drinks human blood, eats human flesh, drives private planes and yachts, and counts money, many victims are thinking about finding a second or third job to repay their debts, and they are suffering from huge psychological trauma and cannot confide in others. Some people think that being cheated is a shame, and some people think that speaking out is useless, and it can neither solve anything nor will it only increase the troubles or worries of their families. In the workplace, some people are also afraid that speaking out will directly affect their superiors'''' views on them and affect their personal employment prospects.

It is not shameful to be cheated by a pig-killing scam, because the biggest reason why many victims are deceived is that they do not have enough understanding of the evil of human nature, and they cannot imagine that such immoral and inferior things will happen so rampantly in this world. The pig-killing dish is a scam, but it is more accurate to say it is a deception. It is a carefully arranged game that leads you into the game step by step for a long time. You were deceived because you are just a person who has not been immune to anti-fraud. You were deceived not because you are greedy, empty, or stupid, but because you cannot escape a game that is tailored and carefully designed for you. The difference between those who have not been deceived and those who have been deceived is that those who have not been deceived know that this is a scam, not because they are not greedy or are particularly smart. Most victims are not gamblers. No one in this world can withstand temptation, only the temptation is not big enough. This temptation may be happiness, love, health, and wealth. You were deceived because the scammer is an organized team with mentor training, as well as psychological research, and a professional fraud team. This game was destined to be lost by the victim from the beginning.

Nowadays, in Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Dubai, especially in northern Myanmar, there are 500,000 practitioners of this type of professional, professional, and group-based criminal fraud groups in 2018. Today, I have learned from the fraudsters that there are now 4 million people working in this industry. They have professional thugs, military forces and local bosses. There are two questions that puzzle me. First, how much profit can a country have to allow a large number of fraud parks to operate in a group in this country. Second, how can the world turn a blind eye to such a large-scale fraud? Why can the fraud group be so unscrupulous and not be punished by law? They are a group of devils in human skin in the 21st century. They are a group of zombies.

Some people may be curious about how the professionalization of the fraud group has grown and these scammers come from. The first layer of people who communicate and chat with the victims are called dog pushers in this pig-killing industry chain. Some dog pushers are lured by fraud companies using high-paying advertisements to post recruitment for transnational positions on the Internet. When they arrive in a third country, their passports and mobile phones are immediately confiscated and they are sent to the fraud park for intensive training in fraud speech and psychological knowledge. Some of these people found out that they were doing fraud, and they felt guilty and wanted to leave or escape. They were controlled by soft and hard methods. After being caught, the fraud group would use various forms of lynching, such as beating, water dungeon, electric shock, burying alive, prostitution, organ transplantation, etc. to force them to surrender. In addition, the training instructors broke the theory of brainwashing from a psychological perspective. If you don''''t cheat them, others will cheat them. If you pity them, who will pity you? Of course, there are more young people who are willing to become dog pushers just to make quick money even though they know it is a fraud. Those who cheat money will open a new stall and start a new business. They recruit soldiers and horses and have another fraud team.

The fraud team can be easily copied because the fraud group has a fairly mature upstream and downstream industrial chain for a long time. Regardless of the size of the fraud group, it can directly purchase the four-piece set (i.e. mobile phone card, bank card, U shield, ID card copy) at a low price. They can easily give you what you want. Small-scale fraud groups that don''''t want to support their own programmers also have professional development companies to develop various investment or gambling apps according to their needs, with any functions they want. If the App is removed from the shelves, the cost of making another one is also very low. Some people may want to ask how the fraud company uses the money they have defrauded and how to launder it? Most people know what third-party payment is, but the fraud company uses four-party payment. What is four-party payment? Four-party payment is relative to the third party, as an extension of the third-party payment platform service. Third-party payment is between banks and merchants, while fourth-party payment is between third-party payment and merchants, and there is no restriction on payment licenses. According to the police, four-party payment is the so-called "green channel" for criminal gangs such as telecommunications fraud and online gambling to extract and launder illegal funds. After purchasing a large number of shell companies or registering "third-party payment" accounts with employee personal information, criminals then build a network platform and use these accounts to collect customer funds and undertake the fund settlement work of the relevant black and gray interest chain. It is said that the fraud company can perfectly launder the money by paying a small amount equivalent to the exchange rate difference.

It has been five months since I realized that I was deceived in late December last year. I feel that this matter is a hurdle that I can never get over. If I lose everything due to investment failure, I am willing to start over again, but this is not investment failure, but conspiracy and fraud. I pay attention to everything related to fraud every day. Who should pay for the victims? In the online world, sometimes it is really confusing. They are clearly victims of this scam, but there is a group of people who do not blame the perpetrators, but only blame the victims, attributing the responsibility of this scam to the greed, stupidity and ignorance of the victims. What is greed? Everyone is greedy. Greed within the normal value is called desire. Greed without satisfaction and greed without limit is greed. The truly greedy people are the bosses behind this scam. Greed for others is a plunder that violates human morality. The stupid people are those who sell their bank cards and ID information to others on the web. The truly ignorant people are this group of "victim guilt" people who cannot see the priority of the whole incident and make random definitions, causing the victims to suffer secondary harm and be even more unwilling to speak out, leading to a vicious cycle.

Victims should stand up bravely and not feel ashamed of being deceived. What should be ashamed is the judicial system that stood by and did nothing to deal with this series of crimes. Social media has given us a lot of entertainment and convenience, and whether we it or not, our lives are basically inseparable from the Internet. We can say that social media is a very successful invention for the progress of the world, but we can also say that social media is a very bad invention, because in the era of big data, we always have no way of knowing when our personal information and data, when and on which web page, our personal information has been leaked. The current pig-killing scam is more the Covid virus in early 2019. Many people think it is easy to prevent and control, but it is not. It is a virus that often mutates and upgrades, and they don’t know its high infectiousness and lethality.
